Trends in the Construction Industry - The Riverwave

Trends in the Construction Industry - The Riverwave

Civil EngineeringRoad and Infrastructure


Anyone who has been to Munich knows the "mother" of all stationary river waves, the Eisbach wave. Since last year, there has also been a surfer wave at Ebensee: "The RiverWAVE," the world's largest built stationary river wave. An interdisciplinary collaboration of German, Austrian, and American engineering firms led to the creation of a paradise for surfers in Ebensee on Lake Traun, Austria.

The construction project also impressed the jury of the chamber and was awarded the Bavarian Engineering Prize 2021.

In this webinar, engineering award winner Benjamin Di-Qual presents the background and implementation of this exciting construction measure. With a ten-meter-wide and up to one-and-a-half-meter-high wave, "The RiverWAVE" is the world's largest built stationary river wave. To direct the water and control the amount and speed, The RiverWAVE requires no additional energy. It is the first river wave where the diversion structure, which feeds part of the water into a constructed side arm, is controlled exclusively by a hydraulic shield through a hydraulic drive. A key factor for the operation of this stationary surf wave is the ability to adjust the steel hydraulic engineering as much as possible to respond to the highly fluctuating water levels. With the simultaneously constructed fish ladder, the intervention in the water body was not only compensated for, but the ecological status quo was even improved.

Benjamin Di-Qual, Managing Partner at concon consulting, will tell you in this webinar about the challenges he and his team faced in the course of this innovative project and what makes the project "THE.RIVERWAVE" so special.

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